SpicyCandyDC: Treasure Hunting
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Treasure Hunting

on Jan 9, 2010
Saturday was our "vintage day"! We had a really successful trip to our local thrift store...you'll be amazed at the things you can find at your local Goodwill. We had the best time searching for our next "treasure" and found some amazing vintage items. We walked away with an entire new wardrobe for about $30 each, isn't that amazing? Below we listed some our favorites:
We're currently really into lady-like items...long dresses, soft blouses, and the like! Enjoy~
Katya's Treasures:
"I love vintage because each items tells a different story"--Katya
Carlis' Treasures:
"Vintage clothes have so much character, you never know what their previous life was all about before you brought them back to life and gave them another chance"--Carlis

The electronics section was like time travel into the 90's ;) We found everything from an old answering machine to something that looked like the first CD player ever made. Needless to say, we didn't adopt any of those items but if you're the collector type, you may want to check it out! ;)
xoxo C&K

1 comment:

Persian Beauty aka Sal said...

Amazing I mean u guys are sooooo gorgeous! I love the explosion of color and the vintage flare!